I have really enjoyed Blueshirt Brothers. For the past couple of years Nugman and I have been emailing each other about the New York Rangers – ever since we discovered as former co-workers – that we both knew which hockey team is the right one to root for. Reading the emails of Nug's unique, declarative, 3am manifestos I began to realize that I liked his writing better than most of the Rangers stuff I saw on the web (and in the newsstands). So, about 2 months ago, when I was pumped up about the second coming (of Sean Avery of course) I suggested to Nugs that we start blogging rather than emailing. I had two purposes in mind:
1- It's a nice sneaky way around the blocking of email sites on my employer's Internet access
2- Nug's emails were too good for just me to be reading.
We put up our first post in March, called SEAN!, about Avery’s return. And that, incredibly, was 208 posts ago. I was hoping to get about a half dozen friends and family to drop by from time to time - just to read along and join in. But I was not expecting anything close to what we got:
In just the last three weeks 523 of you stopped by. We are averaging more than 50 "hits" a day on recent game days. That is so much more than I ever expected – especially in less than 2 months of operation. So I just want to take a moment and say thanks to every single one of you. You've made this a very cool ride for me and Nugman. And we’ll do our best to keep up our end of the deal.
And even though it makes Nugs uncomfortable when I show emotions (other than rage, sarcasm, and abject despair) I want to thank him too. Nugman took a leap of faith - when he could just as easily told me to take a flying "puck". Nugs jumped right in and has devoted many hours to producing a body of work here that I think stands up to any Ranger reporting and analysis done by anyone out there in the real world.
So, to Nugman, and to the Blueshirt Brothers readers, I thank you all - and a thought occurs to me:
What happens now? Nugs and I never really thought this far ahead.
For my part - I think there's still Ranger news to discuss - playoffs to handicap – a season to dissect - an NHL draft to obsess over - and more. I know it’s not like a Rangers playoff run – but Blueshirt Brothers will be here when you need us. So, if you can everyone - bookmark us - and check back for much more on our New York Rangers.
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