Friday, March 13, 2009

2 Weekend Games With The Flyers

A hearty welcome aboard to Jack, our newest follower. This may be a wild guess but I think Jack may be a good buddy of Dave Pucks who hails all the way from Flyers country. That's great and we welcome everyone here.

(Oh, and I can absolutely vouch for Mr. Fantastic. He is trustworthy and a good friend of mine and always sits down at meetings when chairs are available.)

My question to Nugman and everyone else is - How will the Ranger fare against their turnpike rivals this weekend? Are we looking at a split or a sweep. And in whose favor?

Let's see your predictions in the comment sections below. And guys, lets keep the discourse as respectful as possible. We're all human beings who deserve some measure of dignity and politeness.

That is, of course, unless any Islander fans show up - in that case all bets are off.


  1. That was depressing. More when I have the ability to actually verbalize my anger without offending the sensabilities of any potential followers under the age of 13. In short, a bad combination of not enough urgency, dubinsky incapable of quickly releasing a shot from center ice, and biron putting up a rare gem against the rangers.

  2. Don't feel bad, Nugs. When we get outplayed at the goalie position we're not going to win. But 9 out of 10 games Hank is as good or better than the other guy will be.
