Here's our scoring system (suspiciously posted at the end of the round rather than at the beginning).
-Picking the winner: 2 points
-Picking the number of games exactly: 1 point
-Getting closer to the right number of games than your opponent: 1 point
So the Detroit series is easy. We both picked the Redwings in 6 - they won in 7. So 2 points each for picking the series winner is all we hand out.So we start at Nugman 2, Dave Pucks 2.
Looking at Boston - Carolina, Nugs had Boston in 7, I had Boston in 5, Carolina won in 7. So no points for either of us on the series winner. But I give Nugs another point for being closer to the right number of games than I was.
So now its Nugs 3, Pucks 2.
Capitals - Penguins. I had Caps in 6. Nugs had Penguins in 6. It turned out to be penguins in 7. So 2 more points to Nugs for picking the winner. And I guess he gets one more point for being a game closer than I was to the right number of games in the series.
So Nugs 6, Pucks 2. (Getting ugly out here)
Okay - last series. Blackhawks and Canucks. Nugs went Canucks in 7. I said Hawks in 6. And lo and behold - it was Blackhawks in six games. So I award myself 2 points for getting the winner right another point for coming closer than Nugs to the right number of games and a big 4th point for hitting the number of games (6) right on the nose. So as our final we have:
Nugman: 6 points. Pucks: 6 points. A tie. And I'll take it.
So with rounds 1 and 2 officially draws, we move on to OT, or more precisely, round 3. My Picks:
Penguins over Hurricanes in 6. As much as I hope this doesn't happen - the Penguins have won 3 of their last 4, while the Canes have lost 2 of their last 3. Canes are over-achieving and the Crosbys have been here before.
Redwings over Blackhawks in 6. Just can't pick against the Redwings.
Okay Nugs - you're up. I'd say "Let the best man win" but then I'd have no chance.
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