My 10 year son Pucks Junior has taken a interest in the item we brought up yesterday - the large number of K's in the name of the Ranger's newest member Ilkka Heikkinen.
My son is convinced the Ranger's front office is happy with the value they are getting from Lauri Korprikoski - a Ranger player with three K's in his name - and so they have decided to see if they could go one better by finding a player with four K's in his name.
According to Pucks Junior, it’s a contest among members of the Rangers staff. Sort of a "K-off”, if you will.
I thought this couldn't possibly be true - until the little guy pointed out it literally says K-off right on Heikkinen’s uniform (take a look at the photo). Hard to argue with him there.
So here are the official results of the first annual NY Ranger's K-Off:
First Place: Ilkka Heikkinen - 4 Ks
Second Place: Lauri Korpikoski - 3 Ks
Third Place: Henrik "King" Lundqvist - 1.5 K's (we count nicknames for half a K)
Fourth Place (3 way tie):
Brandon Dubinsky - 1 K
Nik Zherdev - 1 K
Nik Antropov - 1 K
Seventh Place: Sean "F--king" Avery - 1/2 K
Eighth Place: Colton Orr - 0 Ks (tied with several others)
Honorable mention: Markus Naslund (1 K but retired)
The only question that remains - is there someone out there with a 5K name that the Rangers can grab? Rest assured - Slats is looking.
And by the way – Puck Junior’s long postponed 5th grade hockey game may take place today – with my son getting the start in goal. I’ve been helping him practice with multiple slapshots in the living room – which has caused some damage to two lamps and an antique carpet Mrs' Pucks grandfather made on an actual loom some 70 years ago. Pucks Junior was clearly benefiting from the practice time - but Mrs. Pucks was quite upset and her protests were getting quite loud. So I've worked out a thoughtful compromise - ear plugs - for me and the little goalie - and our living room practices are going quite well once again.
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