Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Game Night: The Good, The Bad, and the Crosby:

When we last saw our heroes they were getting outworked, outscored, and outplayed by an inferior but streaky Edmonton Oiler team. The Blueshirts' effort was questioned – by us – and by their own players and coaching staff. That's "The Bad".

For "The Good" - here come the Pittsburgh Penguins – on a 7 game win streak and focusing all their red hot anger on the team that outlasted them in the playoffs last year – which somehow – is us. They are playing good - but I guess that's also bad - for us.

And the Ugly – Sidney Crosby – the only player whose fake penalty diving so infuriated Henrik Lundqvist that our usually cool and composed goaltender skated out of his crease to yell at the crybaby from close range.

The Rangers better find their game – some grit – some defense – some puck possession – some effort – and some pulse for goodness sake - or this will be an icy fiasco. Dave Pucks out!

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