Thursday, August 6, 2009

Our Least-Hated NJ Devil Re-ups

Not exactly a surprise, but the one time great and more recently former Ranger Brendan Shanahan, who liked his stay here and did his best a few years back to advance the Blueshirts in the playoffs - has decided to re-sign with that hockey team that plays in Newark and declares itself in the name of Satan (that is, the NJ Devils).

Shanny is a sure fire Hall of Famer - but his best days (and even his second best days) are well back in the rear view mirror these days.
Anyway - he's no longer a great fit here. John Tortorella is installing a system of going all out - attacking - forechecking every time for every player on every single stint on the ice. Brendan knows this - and picturing what a typical turn on the ice would be like as a Ranger - has concluded "I am too old for that shift"
Not that there's much indication the Rangers were even asking. The official announcement will happen soon.

I can't say I wish you well Shanny - because of who you play for. But we do think of you fondly - and we liked your time in Ranger Blue. I guess the best way to put it is this: You are the Official Blueshirt Brother least despised Devil - and we mean that sincerely.

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